How-To Get the Whole Family to Pay Attention to General Conference

What percentage would you say your family manages to pay attention to General Conference? Actually, what percentage do they allow YOU to pay attention to General Conference? If you feel a desire to answer that question in single digits, even if it’s not REALLY that bad, then I can relate. …

Daily Pondering: 1 Corinthians 8:9 – Why you can’t shop at Starbucks…

1 Corinthians 8:9 – But take heed lest by any means this ​​​liberty​ of yours become a ​​​​​stumblingblock​ to them that are ​​​weak​ Ok, you can, but if you’re a Mormon, maybe you shouldn’t. I’m definitely not trying to create a boycot, or anything. However, this morning in seminary, we really …