Back at it, again, Readers! I’m excited to be writing blogs again. I have a huge list of things I can write about, that I’ve done and experimented with over the last few years. I may have stopped writing, but I never stopped learning and growing.
Like I said yesterday, I’m going to write short and to-the-point blogs, with useful information on all the things I’ve learned. Where to start though? Well, I’d like your help with that. I’m going to write a list of some of the possible topics. If any of the topics on the list look interesting to you, and I haven’t written about it yet, just type a comment and let me know what you’d like to hear about, and I’ll jump right on it. Otherwise, I’ll likely just go from top to bottom (occasionally running off on tangents).
I look forward to sharing the knowledge I’ve learned. I hope you get something useful out of my experiences.
Here’s the list of topics that I will be writing about:
- Getting rid of our goats.
- Do woodchips really work?
- Hugelkulture mounds.
- Walk away splits for beehives.
- Propagating blueberries from green cuttings.
- Propagating grapes from hard wood cuttings.
- ” ” ” green cuttings.
- ” ” ” stool layering.
- Saving seeds.
- How to grow celery in Washington State.
- How to grow watermelon in Washington State.
- How to easily transplant strawberry runners.
- Our strawberry “patch”.
- Our blueberry maze.
- How we’re going to water our back field.
- Greenhouses, are they worth it in WA?
- Growing grapes using a fence line as a trellis.
- Using ziplock bags to protect apples and asian pears.
- Growing 600lbs of potatoes!
- Splitting/Dividing rhubarb.
- Changes I’d make to my 50′ raised bed if I were to build another.
- Are tractors worth the extra cost?
- Planting and harvesting garlic.
- Planting and harvesting winter wheat.
- My future goals for fully utilizing all six acres.
- What I plan to do to become self-reliant and self-sustaining.
- Amazing new recipes that we’ve made or discovered.
- Ways the pandemic has helped me know where to improve my preparedness levels.
- Gardening lessons I’ve learned.
- Growing strawberries on a pallet, yay or nay?
- Why starting seeds inside is worth it.
- This year will be an amazing year to garden!
- Is broadcasting clover seed a successful method for planting fields of clover?
- Can I grow strawberries or tomatoes in woodchips without watering them?
- Harvesting honey.
- Making honeycomb into usable beeswax.
- Preparing frames for next year’s bees and why it’s useful.
- My opinion on getting started with gardening.
Until next time… Handyman is on the job!