Discipline Children: Do We or Do We Not? Is Not Actually An Option?

No, sorry, it’s actually not. What is the best way to discipline children? While there doesn’t really seem to be an easy answer for this, there is! That answer is, discipline children… With love! Much love! I’ve tried a few different ideas. Some with success, some without. All of my discipline …

Daily Pondering: 1 Corinthians 8:9 – Why you can’t shop at Starbucks…

1 Corinthians 8:9 – But take heed lest by any means this ​​​liberty​ of yours become a ​​​​​stumblingblock​ to them that are ​​​weak​ Ok, you can, but if you’re a Mormon, maybe you shouldn’t. I’m definitely not trying to create a boycot, or anything. However, this morning in seminary, we really …