Hello, Readers! Handyman here, again. I haven’t written a blog in years, but I haven’t stopped improving/trying new things every year; and I have quite a bit to share with you.
I’m changing the way I blog, in a good way for you guys, I hope. I’m going to write short blogs frequently. Blogs that cut to the chase and give you the useful information that I’ve discovered, without having to read through endless paragraphs.
If there’s something out there that there aren’t clear information results on that you want me to try and then blog about, just let me know in a comment. I’m always down for experimenting with new ways to do things.
I’ve tried experiments every year in the garden, and every year I think that there couldn’t possibly be anymore experiments left to do. I find new things to try and improve on every year though. This year is no exception! And, I’m excited to share those experiments.
I’m not doing this for money. If I make some, great, but my goal is to share the things I’ve learned, so that others don’t have to go through years of experiments to know what works. Helping people is my passion. So, if you have any questions, or things you want me to try, let me know and I’ll give it a go.
Until next time… Handyman is on the job!