Do you know how many different essential oil uses are there? I know I didn’t before I went on a search for the many different uses of essential oils! As I mentioned last time I posted, I was going to learn and share more on those essential oil uses with you all.
So, how many Essential Oil uses are there?
According to Dr. Axe, there are at least 101 uses – I’m pretty sure there are a LOT more than just 101 essential oil uses! Here are a few that jumped out at me!
Home made peppermint patties – Mmmm. What else could be my number one choice? A use that combines one of my favorite scents, peppermint, AND chocolate!? Amazing!
- Reduce anxiety – Now this is something I need quite often while living under the same roof with 13 other people! 😉
- Natural mosquito repellent – I despise bugs, so this is a must have!
- Clean air – I just mentioned how I hate bugs, well, I love that I can even clear the air of itsy bitsy bugs with essential oils, naturally!
- Mint chocolate cocoa – Again, peppermint AND chocolate?! Be still my heart…
- Natural skin toner – I certainly need to start taking better care of my face, and is there any better way than naturally?
- Relieve nausea – How I wish I could have known about essential oil uses when pregnant with Perfection!
- Lose weight – Now who doesn’t need this? Well, I know of many who don’t… Unfortunately, I’m not one of them!
Do It Yourself Cleaning with Essential Oils
I’m not sure, but this might be one of the most well known uses of essential oils. Cleaning solutions.
When I was searching for a DIY liquid castile soap recipe, I stumbled upon Backdoor Survival and found these!
You simply take some liquid castile soap, mix it with water, a little bit of essential oils and voila! Instant cleaners. I made some glass cleaner adding lemon essential oils to the soap mix – NO streaking! Some amazing smelling body cleaner with some jasmine essential oils (I added a little bit of oil for extra skin softening). I also made some hand cleaner using tea tree oil for it’s antiseptic properties.
Health Benefits of Essential Oils
According to the Huffington Post, healing the body is another way to use essential oils. They are good for the inside and out!
The article referenced mentions that frankincense “can help minor cuts and bug bites heal more quickly.” and that “it can be used for depression, inflammation, immunity…”
Apparently lavender is one of the most versatile of all essential oils. “It is more commonly known for its relaxing effects but works on bruises, cuts, and skin irritation too.” Dr. Oz says that the scent of lavender can reduce the levels of stress hormones in your blood.” And here I thought it was just for sleep and headaches. And that it smells pretty nice, too.
Lemon – not only does it smell and taste amazing! It is good for detoxing the body, as well, as having antibacterial benefits.
“Peppermint purifies and stimulates the mind. It also can increase mental alertness,” Scarpelli advised. “Dr. William N. Denver of the University of Cincinnati found that inhaling peppermint oil increased mental accuracy by 28 percent.” Peppermint oil is also one of just a handful of oils that can be taken internally.” It’s been used for indigestion.
A side note that many don’t realize… Peppermint is also good for calming your body… Because, mixed with water and either witch hazel or vodka and sprayed around entrances to homes and rooms, it’s an AMAZING SPIDER REPELLENT!!!
That’s all for now…
These are just a few of the many benefits of having Essential Oils on hand, for both the regular home: And the homestead.
Until next time, let’s continue to work on becoming self-sufficient – Together!