Have you ever noticed there are a LOT of ugly crochet patterns out there? Ugly sweaters (so many they deserve their own blog post!), ugly cardigans, ugly hats, ugly dresses… The list goes on and on! Now don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of pretty and beautiful patterns out there, as well. Unfortunately, I find those are the exception, rather than the rule.
I am here to help change that around a little bit. I want you to find a LOT of pretty patterns here. Want to share those I’ve found with you. Seeing what is currently lacking, I want to create attractive things to wear!
Where I was
To backtrack a little, I’ve crocheted for much of my life – well, to be honest, I’ve known HOW to crochet for much of my life. I’ve dabbled. Started many blankets – note the word ‘started’. I’ve also finished my fair share of them, too, just so you know! Let’s just say my crochet skills were at the granny square level, basic granny squares, that is.
I knew how to single crochet, double, triple, increase, decrease, etc. Knew the abbreviations for those basic stitches. I did not know what a BPDC (back post double crochet) was, or even how to do one, and that was only six months ago!
Where I am
Since then, I’ve grown a lot in my knowledge. I’m not perfect. Not by any stretch of the imagination. However, I love to learn! I love to try new things! Love, love, LOVE searching for new patterns to try. Regrettably, I have been getting frustrated with the patterns I’m finding.
I really want to crochet something for my husband to wear that he would enjoy wearing. That I would enjoy seeing him wear. I’m picky that way. The thought that someone would wear an item just to make me happy makes me think of this fellow:
See his smile? That is not a real smile. So you know, that sweater will feature in the ugly sweater roundup I mentioned earlier. If you want to check it out, you can go it’s creator’s site here.
Where I want to be
That brings me to where I want to be six months from now. I hope to be designing patterns to share with you. I’ve done a few that I’ll be sharing over the next couple of weeks or months, but I want to do bigger and better. Not just design from what I’ve seen, but actually design patterns from my mind!
In a year, I want to be designing sweaters, cardigans, and modest tops. For everyone: men, women, and children!
To sum this all up, I really hope you’ll come back often to journey with me through successes and failures (please, learn from mine – don’t repeat them) and for a little bit of fun as I share my love of crochet with you.