Goat Milk Yogurt – Easy As!
A creamy and organic yogurt made from your goat milk surplus!
  1. Heat your milk to approximately 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Remove from heat and let sit until it has cooled down to about 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Remove about a cup of the still warmed milk into a quart sized container.
  4. Add the old yogurt and mix very well.
  5. Pour back into the pan/crock and whisk it all together.
  6. Prepare the oven by turning it on and then turn back off after only 1 minute. Make sure you’ve placed all the shelves low inside it.
  7. Pour into large jars (I use a half gallon jar).
  8. Wrap a large towel around the jar and then place into the oven.
  9. Leave the oven light on and don’t disturb for approximately 8 hours.
  10. You can take it out now, or leave it in longer for a tangier taste.

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